Digital Photos

There are some institutions you can send digital photos to your loved ones.

You are permitted to send 5 per month per inmate

This service was first offered at Camp Hill as a pilot program in 2020.

As of October 2022 Camp Hill is still the only institution that offers this service

Access to the service is on the PA Inmate/Parolee Locator System

If your loved one is incarcerated in Camp Hill- when you open the locator just search for your loved one by entering their information. Inmate Number is the quickest way to get a good search result.

When they come up on the locator on a computer on the far right is a button that says "Upload Photo", press this and follow the instructions. Each inmate is permitted 5 photos per month through this free service. Pictured below is an example of what it looks like on a smart phone screen. The Photo button is on the bottom left.

Since this was a "pilot program" 2 years ago, it doesn't look like it will implemented at other institutions anytime soon. If you hear of it starting at any other institutions, please email us and we will update the site.